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SKYLAS Academic Programs and Tuition is a private service built on a foundation of transparency and knowledge.
Together, in partnership with parents/guardians we deliver an exceptional school-preparatory program with evidence-based outcomes for your child to excel in their abilities.


Our Services & Programs

Explore our outstanding, evidence-based programs and tuition sessions, designed to meet children’s individual needs. We invite parents to stay, observe and participate in our programs if this approach suits your child best.

Small Group Sessions

(2‑3 years)

Our small group sessions for our youngest achievers are delivered with the child’s parent/guardian participating in the session. Fun and engaging learning activities will keep your child smiling as they enjoy the special attention from their loved one!

Advanced School Readiness Class

(3‑5 years)

Our qualified primary school and early childhood facilitators deliver our evidence-based programs that are designed to align with the NSW Education Syllabus for K-2. Join us to experience multisensory, enriching and fun academic learning!

Tuition Focus Groups

(3‑5 years)

Our tuition sessions are designed to instruct and guide on concepts in a fun and engaging way with lots of different mediums incorporated into your child’s learning. We focus on your child’s progress and abilities to achieve deep learning milestones.

Early Intervention NDIS Group Sessions

SKYLAS Academic Programs and Tuition creates a holistic capacity building program focused on multi-sensory Literacy and Numeracy that caters to the diverse needs of children aged 3 to 7 years old.

SKYLAS Academic Programs and Tuition

Our Mission

Our goal is to instill a sense of curiosity and a love for learning in every child at SKYLAS Academic Programs and Tuition. We aim to create an environment that advances knowledge of literacy and numeracy concepts with fun and evidence-based strategies. We promote an eagerness for children to ask questions and for every child to dive deep into their learning abilities. All children will experience Literacy and Numeracy with many mediums and within an exciting and educational setting.

Get In Touch

Do you have any questions about our services and programs? Or would you like to discuss the enrolment process? We invite you to get in touch.